Boom v1.8 Mac App Store changes



  • I have Mavericks, iTunes 11.1.3, Boom 1.8, the latest audio component. I have no sound when Boom is selected as the output device in the Sound system preference. When I click the Boom menu bar icon, instead of getting a volume slider, it opens the Boom window.
  • Hi Japester,

    Please refer the top most admin post in this discussion chain to resolve your query.
  • Hi, I'm getting "The operation couldn't be completed. (com.aple.installer.pagecontroller error -1.) Couldn't open "BoomDeviceMavericks.pkg". when I try to install the components. I tried downloading the file 5 times.. same thing every time.
  • I am having the same problem as Stomp442. I have emailed the address provided on the app store, explaining my issue and asking if you guys could aid me with a solution. But haven't received anything yet.
  • edited November 2013
    I like to use the equalizer with the volume booster turned off. With a USB DAC, even if I lower the system volume, I can hear clipping on bass hits, etc. Headphones don't seem to have the issue. Will there be some sort of auto-leveling or preamp slider in an update? Since EQ is the only thing I use Boom for it's kind of useless for me right now, at least for playing through external speakers.
  • @Bugout,
    Could you please contact our Support Team, they will unzip the PKG file and send it to you, please check if it helps.

    We have sent you a PKG file, please install the same and check if it helps.

    As you have purchased Boom via our website, you do not have to install the audio component separately. Could you please uninstall Boom within the app via Settings->Preferences->Uninstall and reinstall a fresh copy via our website and check if it helps.

    We have not come across such issue so far, could you please provide us with your system info, OS details and more info about the USB DAC?
  • @admin
    MBPr 13" late-2013, OS X 10.9
    PCM2702 USB (Firestone Fubar II DAC)

    I will try another USB card I have to see if that has the same problems.
  • I did as you recommended (uninstall and reinstall Boom) and it worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your help!
  • @ChrisK15,
    Thank you for providing us with the detailed info.
    Please do let us know if you get the same issue with other USB card.

    That's great!
  • There's no excuse for a company to offer a product that doesn't work with the latest operating system. That's the worst screw-up a software company can make. A screw you to all of your loyal customers.

    Boom used to work great. Now it won't work with Mavericks. Nothing. No sound at all.

    I downloaded your fix. (How can you say there's a "Know More" button when there is none?) The fix didn't work. Still no volume at all when "BoomDevice" is selected in System Preferences.

    And you say the complete update will take "some time?" No. Goodbye.

    If anyone is interested in an audio booster product that works (including Mavericks), switch to "Hear" from Prosoft. It's more expensive but it has a lot more features. More important… it works.
  • Hi Markgrant,

    We are reviewing all the cases, plus trying our best to fix them too. Hopefully we can push an update soon. But we were surprised that users seldom say it's Boom causing some sound issues when it's quite clear that native OS X is posing problem. iTunes EQ had problems with stuttering and Apple released iTunes 11.1.3 explaining the fix for that issue. But long before that, everyone said Boom is causing it (!) while the actual problem of Boom was with 'QuickTime'!!
    We suggest you to uninstall Boom within the app via Settings->Preferences->Uninstall and reinstall a fresh copy via purchase point and check if it helps.
    Also, the 'Know More' button is only available in the Mac App Store version of Boom.
    Please do not select BoomDevice manually via System Preferences.
  • I'm another person who does not have the 'know more' button and can therefore not access the fix. I've read through but can't find the answer to those who don't have this button.

    Could you just give us the link please.
  • Hi theTechnaddict,

    The 'know more' button is available for Mac App Store users to install the additional audio component in order to get the volume slider. Whereas for users who have downloaded Boom via our website store, volume slider is already available.
    Could you please elaborate your query?
  • Selecting "Boom Device" from "Audio Device" from VLC's Audio Menu didn't and won't work.
    Instead, selecting "System Sound Output Device" works!
  • Ok, u know what.
    It worked that one time...
    Once I closed VLC, the problem persists!
  • Tried again, selecting "Boom Device", then it works.
    Closed VLC again, the problem persists...
    Oh why....
  • Hi eQq13,

    Lately few users have reported about Boom issues with VLC.
    We have notified our development team about the same, we will look into it.
    Thanks for reporting.
  • All.. I was having same problems that are so well documented on my MBP.... after reading the problems... I found that on the VLC Toolbar at top of screen under PLAYBACK and then PLAYBACK SPEED... I simply slid the indicator a little to the left of normal and all was solved...
  • edited December 2013
    In my case when Boom is on (Mavericks plus Boom 1.8) no audio works system-wide.

    If Boom is all turned down, the normal audio device will work.

    If Boom is loaded in the system and no matter at which volume setting, all the computer controls have no effect on the volume, that stays at the same medium level without possibility of change.

    All I could do so far was to disable Boom because it is otherwise impossible to hear anything from any app.
  • Hi Sounding6,

    Could you please run the following command in ‘Terminal’ and remove all Boom component.

    Next, delete Boom app from Application folder. Followed by a restart.

    defaults delete com.globaldelight.Boom (if purchased via website)

    defaults delete com.globaldelight.BoomMAS (if purchased via Mac App Store)

    Next, reinstall a fresh copy via purchase point and check if it helps.
  • these instructions above make no sense what so ever..
  • Hi Viandiep,

    The instructions above are the commands to delete certain files before reinstalling the app.
  • What do you type "exactly" for those who are newbies to 'terminal' what do you exactly input because if you just paste what is above NOTHING works.
  • Hi Viandiep,

    Following are the commands that need to be copy pasted into Terminal;

    defaults delete com.globaldelight.Boom (if purchased via website)

    defaults delete com.globaldelight.BoomMAS (if purchased via Mac App Store)
  • I just purchased a brand new download from the App Store, guess what? It does not work, it just cuts out all volume of the system! Should I get a refund or?
  • I've spoken with Apple Care rep and they ran a test on my sound card, it is not an internal hardware issue with Apple.
  • "Hi Sounding6,

    Could you please run the following command in ‘Terminal’ and remove all Boom component.

    Next, delete Boom app from Application folder. Followed by a restart.

    defaults delete com.globaldelight.Boom (if purchased via website)

    defaults delete com.globaldelight.BoomMAS (if purchased via Mac App Store)

    Next, reinstall a fresh copy via purchase point and check if it helps."

    Hi Guys,

    I tried what you suggested, and I also updated to 1.8.1, but the result is the same.

    Boom does not seem to work as passing audio extension to any application. It's the same exact problem I have with the latest version of Soundflower. Either I turn it off, and use the built-in speakers, or no audio app works.

    Any other suggestion?
  • Hi Sounding6,

    Could you please open 'Audio MIDI Setup' and check volume control levels under input and output. Please make sure to uncheck Mute.

    Please check the same under System Sound Preferences.
    Please refer screenshots below;
  • edited December 2013
    In the Midi Setup there was a mute on the Input section. Unchecking that fixed the issue. Thanks a lot guys!

    P.S.: If I may, I'd like to suggest the introduction of an equalizer with more bands, in order to control the output sound more precisely, and perhaps a switch between a simplified and advanced versions of it.
This discussion has been closed.