on my recent iMac with Snow Leopard (10.6.6) it is no longer possible to export movies (to .wmv or .avi or whatever).
Voila, which I purchased today via Appstore freezes and the file i 8kbyte small.
With a previous demo version, it was possible.
What is the problem and does a workaround exist?
Thank you very much for your help!
Voila uses Quicktime to export the movie in different formats so it will support all the formats that Quicktime supports. .wmv is not a default supported format in Quicktime. Support for .wmv files is enabled only after installing Flip for Mac which is a third party application.
For the .avi files, does this happen with all the AVI files or only with some files?
Are you able to play AVI files in Quicktime? (Just wanted to confirm if the AVI file is encoded using a Quicktime compatible codec)
Does it work fine with other file formats like .mov and mp4?
Voila Admin