Library isn't visible after Update to iOS 10


I was enjoying Boom on iOS under iOS 9, but after updating to iOS 10 Boom doesn't find my Music Library, no songs show up. However when I use the built in Music App from Apple, I see my songs and of course I can play them, so the songs are definately on my iPhone. I am NOT using Apple Music subscription service, just my music from my iTunes Library synced to my iPhone 6s, maybe this information helps. Anyone else having similar problems?


  • edited November 2016

    In the latest iOS 10, you need to enable the Music Library option for all third party music apps. Please go to Settings->Boom iOS->Enable Music Library. (Refer the attached screenshot)

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    IMG_0171.png 162.2K
  • Thanks for your reply. However I can't find the menu item "Media Library". I do have "Notifications", Background App Refresh" and "Cellular Data", but no "Media Library". I am running the newest iOS 10 on an iPhone 6s.

    IMG_5222.PNG 64.9K
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