Can I delete VoilaLibrary after upgrading to Capto?

After upgrading to Capto, I'm left with two files, CaptoLibrary.libCapto and VoilaLibrary, in my Pictures/Voila folder. I can't see any possible future use for VoilaLibrary, but I also don't know that its is safe to delete it.


  • Hi Chima,

    Regarding your query, if you require the files stored in Voila library. We suggest you to import the files into Capto under menu bar option File -> Import Voila files. You can also select the option 'Choose Voila Library' if you wish continue using Voila library. Or you can also backup Voila library file by 'Open package contents' and store the same under a new folder. Next, you can delete the Voila library.
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