horrendous sound with bluetooth headphones

I have not been able to use boom for approximately a year now. I gave up trying to get it to work sometime ago. I read in the discussion form around a year ago that a lot of other people were having similar problems and that the matter was being looked into. A year has passed the most recent update has not resolved any issues and I'm still unable to use boom with my bluetooth headphones. Can you please provide an update on the bluetooth problems. 


  • Hi Ovate,

    Apologies for those who have been experiencing distortion when music is being played on bluetooth/usb speakers and headphones via Boom. We’ve come up with a temporary solution while our technical team is fixing it in the future update. 

    For those who are experiencing it, please try this trick. 

    1) Open Boom 2 app.

    2) Select the first option in which you can control the Boom volume and equaliser.

    3) Reduce the bass EQ points.

    4) Drag the equaliser points below the median, save the Preset for particular speaker and click play. 

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