I purchased Boom 2 in a bundle as an app I didn't really need. Unfortunately I installed it and now can not uninstall it unless I dive into parts of the OS I shouldn't have to.
As an example, the set up assumes I'm using the computer's internal speakers. On machine restart Boom 2 decides to startup automatically even though it's been left turned off. etc.etc.
Despite reading repeated requests in this forum for instructions on how to uninstall Boom 2 I see no responses. My next step come next Monday is to ask the Apple Developer department to revoke your developer license in order to make the app more difficult for the unwary user to install.
OS: 10.11.1
Thank you.
This happens when the app is uninstalled incorrectly and is done so by directly dragging the icon to the trash. You'll need to uninstall only from within the app in order to remove all traces of Boom 2. Please reinstall the app, head into the settings tab and you should see an option to uninstall completely.