How to uninstall Boom from El Capitan

I can't seem to find the proper way to install Boom from El Capitan. Very disappointed that uninstallation isn't even mentioned in the user manual. I've tried downloading the current version but I wasn't given the option to delete Boom. How can I remove it completely?


  • edited October 2015

    Could you please mail your query to our Support Team ( We will then provide you the steps to Uninstall Boom app.
  • I recommend downloading AppCleaner and removing it using that.
    It'll find any traces of the app anywhere and get rid of it all.
  • From my point of view, the uninstall process should be, at least, mentionned in the "user manual"..? The delivered user manual with some important informations is still missing. I don't see why this procedure should be treated through a personal email ? Is there some secret here..?
  • I too would like to know this. There seems to be no uninstall feature on the app itself.
  • edited November 2015

    We have provided the steps to uninstall the app and its components in the Boom 1x user manual. (Refer the attached screenshot).
    Also, if you have deleted the app from the Applications folder without uninstalling, then there will be traces of Boom 1x on your Mac. Hence, it requires to run an uninstall script to uninstall the app completely. We cannot provide the script here in the Forum, as the script may be misused in the future. Hence, please contact our Support Team ( to get the steps to uninstall the Boom 1x app completely. We will be happy to help you.

  • any email feedback from uninstalling Boom 2 instructions is highly appreciated 

  • If you go to the blue gear at the side of the boom2 window and click it you now have the general preferences window and at the bottom in red is "uninstall boom 2"
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