Voila Video Capture Sound Problems

edited October 2012 in Voila Discussions
When I record video, I have to use "Built in Microphone" or I get no audio capture. I've set both Computer Sound & Voila Sound to "Internal Speakers" to internal system. But then records nothing.
All help appreciated. 8• )


  • Hey,

    Voila records the audio from Sound flower (2ch)
    Please uninstall and reinstall a fresh copy of Sound flower and check whether you still get the same issue. Please follow the link below to uninstall Sound flower.

  • I'm having a similar issue trying to capture Webex audio. If I am playing iTunes, the sounds captures correctly, so it appears to be an application level issue.
  • I cannot get sound to work with Voila since updating to version 3.4 and Mac OS 10.8.3.
    Please help as I need to do some screen capture with sound for an important presentation in the near future.
  • Hey,

    Regarding your query, earlier version of Voila i.e v3.3 and before used to use the third party app Sound flower to record computer audio. In the latest update of Voila, we have integrated VoilaDevice, in order to record computer audio.
    Could you please uninstall sound flower using uninstall script provided within the sound flower app (refer screen shot), also restart the system after uninstall of sound flower. Next, launch Voila and start a screen recording, you will be asked to install VoilaDevice within the app itself, if you have check/enable 'Record Computer Audio'.

    Note :

    VoilaDevice : This is a separate audio recording component that needs to be downloaded and installed on your system. It is a new component that we have built to improve Voila’s audio recording capabilities from the system. When you start a new video recording, you will be prompted to download and install this Voila audio component. Once installed, ‘VoilaDevice’ would get listed under the Sound Output devices in System Preferences. This is a one-time action and you can un-install this audio component from the Voila Preferences –> Video Recording tab.
    For more info on the latest update, please refer this blog http://www.globaldelight.com/blog/2013/03/app-update-boom-volume-booster-and-voila-screen-capture/
  • Hi
    I uninstalled SoundFlower as you suggested but when I go to create a new recording I don't get any option to download the VoilaDevice. Also, I am trying to record from my webcam (which has built in sound) so if I cannot set my input device to my USB WebCam then I can't record anything. Will VoilaDevice still help in my situation? If so please provide a separate download link as the way you suggested above does not seem to work. If I set my input device to my WebCam then I get the same error that has existed since last year.

    An unknown error has occurred while recording the video and the file cannot be saved to the disk(error code:-1).

    If this cannot be fixed then I will need to look for another screen recording solution which would be a shame since I really like Voila :-(
  • edited March 2013
    I have updated to Voila 3.4 from 3.2 (OS 10.8.3)and have not been able to record selection audio since then. I deleted Sunflower as recommended and selected voila audio device. No sound on play back
  • I updated and followed the above instructions and still no sound.... PLEASE I NEED TO FIX THIS NOW!!! Should never have updated, worked fine before
  • edited March 2013
    Regarding your query, in order to download the VoilaDevice component, you need to check and un-check the option 'Record Computer Audio' from the window that appears just before recording. Voila device helps in recording computer audio only and not in recording audio input.
    The recent update of Voila (i.e v3.4) had the fix to the defect - where users were unable to save the screen recordings.
    Voila supports internal mic, headphones and few other USB Logitech devices to record 'Audio from', there might be few other devices which might be still incompatible with Voila. USB WebCam might be one among them. We will note this down and notify our developers about the same. Thank you for your co-operation.
    Meantime, you can try selecting internal mic or any other sound input device.
    Link to download VoilaDevice : http://www.globaldelight.com/voila/downloads/installers/install-voila-device.html

    @Dpetroff, @MaroubraDave,
    Regarding your query, please do not make any changes manually in the System Sound Preference while screen recording in Voila.
    If you have checked 'Record Computer Audio' from the window that appears just before recording - Voila will automatically switch to VoilaDevice in order to record computer audio.

    Please write to our Support Team for more help.
  • Hey I bought Voila specifically because it was supposed to record computer audio with video, but it's not working correctly (or seems really tedious and complicated).

    I installed the VoilaDevice, but it only records the audio when that is selected in system preferences. But if that's selected in system preferences, you can't hear any audio on the Mac.

    What am I missing here? Surely you aren't supposed to have to go in and change that preference everytime (and to record and not monitor at the same time)..
  • Hey Grillaface,

    Regarding your query, usually VoilaDevice switches automatically by itself when you start a screen recording.
    Please do not make any changes manually in the System Sound Preference while screen recording in Voila.
    If you have checked 'Record Computer Audio' from the window that appears just before recording - Voila will automatically switch to VoilaDevice in order to record computer audio.
  • with my voila, it doesn't work at all/ it doesn't change the audio preference i'm not able to record anything with audio...I have the mac ver 3.4 it was working before then it just sopped working.i have 64gb of memory running an 8 core mac. heeeeeelllppp!
  • Hey Hot4nekos,

    Regarding your query, earlier version of Voila i.e v3.3 and before used to use the third party app Sound flower to record computer audio. In the latest update of Voila, we have integrated VoilaDevice, in order to record computer audio.
    Could you please uninstall sound flower using uninstall script provided within the sound flower app (refer screen shot), also restart the system after uninstall of sound flower. Next, launch Voila and start a screen recording, you will be asked to install VoilaDevice within the app itself, if you have check/enable 'Record Computer Audio'.

    To record computer audio while screen recording via Voila, please make sure to check/enable 'Record Computer Audio' from the window that appears just before the recording. Please do not make any changes manually once the recording starts via System Sound Preference.

    Voila records system sound via VoilaDevice.

    Note :

    VoilaDevice : This is a separate audio recording component that needs to be downloaded and installed on your system. It is a new component that we have built to improve Voila’s audio recording capabilities from the system. When you start a new video recording, you will be prompted to download and install this Voila audio component. Once installed, ‘VoilaDevice’ would get listed under the Sound Output devices in System Preferences. This is a one-time action and you can un-install this audio component from the Voila Preferences –> Video Recording tab.
    For more info on the latest update, please refer this blog http://www.globaldelight.com/blog/2013/03/app-update-boom-volume-booster-and-voila-screen-capture/
  • Hello. Just to also let you know, I'm recording in Secondlife. The audio stream works within and the ambient sound. But when the Avatars speak, it doesn't record in Secondlife. Only the music streaming in and ambient sounds within the virtual world is recorded
  • And.......... it finally went kaput! I'll be getting another software. Your software killed our first KPOP Festival in Secondlife. It will not record video at all. I'm running with 64GB men on an 8 core mac. 4TB HD space and I use 500GB SSD drive as my cache for Secondlife. Ugh. I guess you get what you pay for. And yes I even tried to have the cache reside where Secondlife is installed. Followed your direction to uninstall the soundflower driver. Nothing. Still sucks. Bad software. No phone tech support. I'll pay $99 or more as long as it works.
  • Hey Hot4nekos,

    Could you please get in touch with our Support Team for more help regarding the above issue.
  • Hello Admin,

    I contacted your support team. they gave me the same exact answer you gave me.

    The issue with Voila is basically a "don't worry about it" i'll find another software. It still wont work after all the things your support team suggested to me. The app won't record the voice in secondlife. Now the issue is, it wont record a second time. We have "dance" performances at Second Life and after the first routine, I stop the recording and when the people are ready, I record again, but it won't. It says error.

    Until you can fix this issue, i'll use another software. You need to open an account in Second life and go see and trouble shot this problem. On a mac. Instead of trying to tell me the same thing your admin told me before. This is a waste of your time and mine.
    I ran utilities to make the mac is tuned up. All my other Hi end apps like Photoshop, Maya, Vue and After Effects work. So it's not my Mac. It's your software that needs a major overhaul. I don't want to sound rude here but you need to address it. I am upset because I depended on your software with my my first anniversary of our group here in SL and it disappointed me big time.

    Again, a couple of your people need to go to Second Life and see what I am talking about. Instead of trying to tell me how to trouble shoot in a general way. Your answers are not tailored specifically to the issue I'm having in Second Life. Thank you.
  • Hey there,

    We are really sorry that you are facing issues with Voila.
    There are few things we would like to clarify before we try out the Second life.
    Earlier you had mentioned that the audio is not getting captured, but in above post you have mentioned that an error pops up. Could you please send the screenshot of the error message to our Support Team and let them have a look at it. Please let our dedicated Support executives help you out in troubleshooting the issue.
    Also we would like to mention that recently few users have reported a bug in Voila, i.e when you capture the input/mic audio (i.e selecting 'Audio from' from the window that appears just before recording) if you choose USB headset/iSight Voila puts up a error message (only with few USB headset/iSight devices) and the screen recording will not be captured. As you are able to see the recorded capture and only the audio is missing, hence this might be a different issue which we have never come across. It would be appreciated if you help us out in isolating the issue.
    Also do let us know whether you are able to screen record outside Second life without any issues. And the input device selected from the window that appears just before recording.
    On second thought, we will give a shot by trying out Second life. If possible do send us a sequence to regenerate the issue if there is any.
  • Hi admin!

    Well, the other added issue now is it won't record a second time. Once I'm done recording and I record later, it won't do it unless I restart the whole computer. Quitting the app doesn't solve the problem.
  • I downloaded VoilaDevice yesterday, now my Mac has no sound whatsoever. I have written private emails to you, no response. I now ask in a public email, how do i get my sound to work on my computer now that i downloaded your VoilaDevice, and silenced my computer !!!
  • Hey Dale,

    We are sorry that you were unable to receive the original mail sent to you. Our Support executives have responded to your mail on 8th May 2013 4.28PM IST.
    We would recommend that you check your spam/junk folder to see if you can locate the information. In the meantime, we would post the same here and also resend the mails via our personal account.

    There are few things we would like to know to help resolve your issue.

    Do you have any third party sound output device installed in your system? If yes, then you might come across a small glitch, i.e. when Voila installs the VoilaDevice, third party device will consider VoilaDevice as the active output device (as it is newly installed). Hence the systems sound mutes (VoilaDevice is used to record computer audio while screen recording in Voila if 'Record Computer Audio' is checked).

    To overcome the issue, open System Preference -> Sound, click on the active sound output device i.e. internal speakers (or any other active sound output device). Now play audio file and check if it helps. You can try the same by quitting the other third party apps.

    Also you have an option to uninstall VoilaDevice within Voila preference itself under 'Record' (please refer screenshot below)



    We were able to try Second life and we were successful in recording the ambient sound played in the Second life via Voila. But we were unable to regenerate the issue mentioned by you.
  • I can record the ambient sounds but not voice in second life. Try to voice in secondlife like have a conversation with another avatar and record. see if it works. it doesn't with mine and now the issue of recoding another session. after the first session, it wont record again unless I restart the computer itself. restarting the app doesn't solve the problem. It seems to me you need to do some major updating again with your app :/
  • Hey Hot4nekos,

    Thank you for providing a sequence to regenerate the issue. We will look into it.
  • Hi

    If I record whith Voiladevice I can'z hear anything!
    I've re-installed Voiladevice and it doesn't work anyway!
    In the system options I have put the Output to Voiladevice but there just stands : The selected device has no audio control.
    2 hour ago was everything ok but now it's broken.
    I hope you can help me :)
  • Hi Pepe,

    Could you please let us know what are you trying to record? Could you please provide us a link to the same?
    Are you trying to record computer audio or microphone audio?
    If you select 'Record Computer Audio' from the window that appears just before recording then, Voila will revert to VoilaDevice in System Sound Preferences as VoilaDevice is used to record the computer audio by Voila. Please do not select VoilaDevice manually via System Preferences.
    Also, before reinstalling VoilaDevice, you need to uninstall the same. You can uninstall VoilaDevice within Voila Preferences -> 'Record' -> Uninstall.
  • I'm trying to record computeraudio.
    I don't know If you're speaking German, but here is a screenshot of the sound options while recording:
  • Hi Pepe,

    We suggest you to contact our Support Team for further help. Please do provide us with the details requested in the previous post.
  • edited May 2015
    I keep having issues with Voila recording fullscreen video with the sound. I have two issues/bug fix suggestions: 1) I can get the video to record with the sound when I record a video and play something in iTunes, but when I use my music production software (Logic Pro X) it won't record the sound being output from that application. 2) It took me FOREVER to figure out how to get the sound to be recorded with video and although it did work with "Record Computer Audio" selected AND "Record Microphone" set to Voila Device, the audio was horrible. It was extremely distorted. So, I switched "Record Microphone" to Soundflower (ch2) instead of Voila Device and the sound was recorded with good quality (no distortion). Somehow it seems to work whenever it wants because without changing the settings, it will quit working sometimes. So, I have to restart my computer and then it works again.

    How can I get it to record the sound output from Logic Pro X along with my full screen video????

    Notes: I just downloaded Voila today (May 16, 2015) and downloaded Yosemite OS and Logic Pro X yesterday.
  • I figured out my sound recording problem! If anyone else has problems with Logic Pro X and Voila not recording audio properly see this: https://discussions.apple.com/message/28257733
  • Hi,

    I'm trying to record a video for the game The Elder Scrolls Online. I managed to record a video previously with sound working and upload it to YouTube, so that was that.

    This morning I open Voila to use it to record a new video. As I'm recording, I can hear the game's audio as I'm playing just fine.

    However, in the Voila video-preview panel, the video shows up but the audio doesn't!

    I've tried many options, I've gone into sound and changed both input and output to VoilaDevice, nothing. I've tried using Soundflower (2ch) as the microphone whilst recording computer audio, nothing.

    Please help!
  • UPDATE: I've tried switching from TESO to a Twitch stream, and the audio from there gets recorded. I'm not sure what's happened regarding TESO, but it's not a problem with the game itself, as the audio works fine outside of Voila.
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