Using Voila with OS 10.6.8

edited September 2012 in Voila Discussions
I am not able to upgrade to the next OS version, because some of the programs I use for work are not compatible with it. I used to use Voila without a problem, but now it seems I can't use the new version. Is there a way to go back to the old version?


  • I recently upgraded to Lion, from 10.5.8. Viola was working fine to make captures from DVD played on Apple DVD player. Now with the Lion OS system. I cannot get a capture. The image that captures is a blank. What is wrong and what is the solution?
  • @MagistraBI

    Voila v3.2 is compatible with OS X Mountain Lion.
    Could you please elaborate your issue? Please contact Support Team for more help with the issue.


    We have worked on the issue and it seems to be a QuickTime issue.

    You can do a screen recording in QuickTime and check for yourself. It works on other OS except Lion and Mountain Lion. We have raised a bug report to Apple about this issue and we hope once they do some changes, Voila can adopt it quickly.

    Voila can capture screenshots of DVD movies if it is not being played in Mac default "DVD Player". Any other external DVD player can be used instead of Mac native DVD player.


    What you can do is, open DVD with any other application(Ex: VLC) and do a screen recording with Voila and check whether you get same issue.

    Also make sure that you choose the particular application to open DVD (please refer screenshot below). You can also do a "Open with" by doing a right click on the DVD.
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