Hi, I've encountered the problem that whenever I use Boom 2 the whole day it will have at the end of the day a memory usage way above 1.6 GB, which is insane! Please fix or help how to fix the problem. I'm running Mac OSX 10.10.1 (14B25) on a MacBook Retina MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Late 2013).
Thanks for your help!
Just started it 10 min (13.5 MB Memory usage) ago and it already used 95 MB.
Could you please provide us with the below details?
- Activity monitor snapshot with Boom Running
- What will be memory usage on launch
- Did you use Boom 2 for file boosting ?
- Most used audio effect
- Time since last boot
- Snapshop: http://cl.ly/Zo80
- Around 100Mb
- Never
- Don't use audio effects
- up 14 days, 22:21, 2 users, load averages: 2.00 2.12 2.01
Hope that helps fix the problem, sometimes Boom 2 it's taking 2GB of memory, this is crazy!
7 Days uptime
http://i.imgur.com/JxRHCPH.png (file attachment gets stuck)
Could you please provide us with the below details?
- Activity monitor snapshot with Boom Running
- What will be memory usage on launch?
- Did you use Boom 2 for file boosting ?
- Most used audio effect
- Time since last boot
This is a snapshot of today
- http://www.pastebin.ca/raw/3089662
- 13Mo and slowly goes up
- Never
- Rock all time
- 2 days 8 hours 29minutes of uptime
Thank you for the detailed info.
We have noted down this and will be passing it to our development team.
You might want to upload your Boom 2 sample here to help them:
@Gabriel_IMBAst You had replied us on one of the comments (http://www.globaldelight.com/globaldelightforum/discussion/1788/please-fix-ram-boom-2-v1-1/p1) saying the issue was fixed. Are you facing the same issue again?
@fellipea_silva Could you please provide us with the below details?
- Activity monitor snapshot with Boom Running
- What will be memory usage on launch?
- Did you use Boom 2 for file boosting ?
- Most used audio effect
- Time since last boot
Also, try installing Boom 2 on the same Mac but on different user account and check whether you face the same issue.
- What will be memory usage on launch? - 7-10mb.
- Did you use Boom 2 for file boosting ? - No
- Most used audio effect - None
- Time since last boot - 2hrs
I tried installing it with another user account and the same thing happened. After 1-2hrs it start taking almost 2gb of memory.
I updated to the last version of Boom 2 (the day it went out) and still got leaks.
PS: I already sent this comment a week ago so I don't know if you have to approve or something but that's a bit annoying
Boom2 unfortunately still leaks
The website twitter login is broken it tells me that I have to reset my password for my first use but it has an error sending the mail because it tries to send it to twitter.
Same settings but I restarted Boom2 (because of the update)
It got to 39.3 GB of memory on a long running mac, only using the equalizer, no special effects or tools:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vws18ce88int8s5/Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 11.30.00.png?dl=0
I started it up again and it only took ~30MB of memory, took 5 minutes and took another snapshot, it's already at ~80MB
https://www.dropbox.com/s/r99gb9ltmnj0q4f/Screen Shot 2016-03-16 at 11.39.49.png?dl=0
This has got to go...
Could you please contact our Support Team (boom2@globaldelight.com) for further troubleshooting steps?
We will be happy to help you.