Dear GlobalDelight: In the invitation to Boom 2.0 beta testing discounts and free versions were indicated as possible inducements. Also, in the announcement email sent to long time users a 50% discount was indicated. When I have sought to buy. However, in neither the original or the new email was a discount code given - and there is no place to submit such a code had one arrived with the emails, nor does the link in today's email that put forward the 50% discount take me to a place where the discount occurs. I love your product but this process seems to have issues. Please tell us how to proceed. Yours, aprudy
Thanks for reaching out. The email that was sent to Boom 2 Beta Customers with 50% offer had a 'buy link' which is directly taking them to the right place. The instruction for availing the special price is mentioned on the store page. In the email communication also we mentioned to use the 'email address' as the verification code to avail the benefit.
We have updated the Store page mentioning to scroll down for the upgrade pricing.
Your business model is ridiculous. What will happen when you release boom 3? Huh? Another upgrade fee?
I'm a beta and Boom 1 user for quite a while now and I feel betrayed as a customer. Why did I even update from the Beta 3? You didn't say something like "Hey, if you update, we'll want you to pay more."
Guys, I friggin' love your product but I hate what you've done. As an end user I don't care if you had to develop the app from scratch. What I see is that you're charging me for an update.
Will you release updates for the Boom 1 app?
Once again, we totally understand your situation and truly feel bad about the same. We would be more careful in the future. Have a great boomin' weekend!
The eCommerce team tried fixing the PayPal issue and it looks like they broke something in the Upgrade. Not to worry, the difference will be refunded.