Hi. It's been a while since I've been using Boom without any problems, but suddenly it doesn't work anymore. The device appears in the devices list as usual but when I select it the speakers go silent. I hadn't used it for about a month so I cannot tell for sure which if any system changes or updates may have caused the problem.
I upgraded to Yosemite yesterday and was hoping it could help, but it didn't, so obviously it's not a Yosemite related issue.
I'm currently using version 1.8.1. I tried to install version 1.9.2 on Yosemite but it fails the installation every time without any information as to the cause of the failure.
I've completely removed and reinstalled the product a few times already but that doesn't change anything, it just won't work, no sound coming out of the speakers.
To make things even stranger, when the Boom application is running but I explicitly select the speakers or headphones instead of the Boom device the computer's volume control does not change the volume anymore. It's either Off or On. Even stranger? Just to select a device other than Boom I need to do a triple-click because anything short of a triple-click will automatically reset the device to Boom.
Just in case, the only significant new software I installed recently is Dragon Dictate 4 for Mac that comes with USB headphones.
I really hope you can make heads or tails out of all this
I am brought my version on the website. And I am NOT buying another version from the App store, just to get a working version. IF there is one.
We have released an update for website version of Boom, please update your copy of Boom to the latest version within the app itself. Also, you can download a trial copy of Boom via our website www.globaldelight.com/boom next, register the same with the registration code provided to you on purchase.
The Mac App Store version has also been released, please open your Mac App Store and check in updates column.
If you still have any issues, then we suggest you to follow the below steps.
1. Download an uninstall script to uninstall Boom audio component.
2. Check your System Preferences Sound for BoomDevice. If present, restart your system and check if it helps.
3. Next, delete Boom app in your Application folder. Delete any additional copies of Boom installed in your system.
4.Run the Terminal command provided below, search for Terminal app via Spotlight.
(copy paste only the below command and hit enter)
defaults delete com.globaldelight.Boom
(copy paste only the below command and hit enter)
defaults delete com.globaldelight.BoomMAS
To re-install from website version:
If you have purchased from Mac App Store then please re-install from App Store itself. Make sure that you use the same account which was used on purchase.
Please make sure to have only one copy of Boom in your system, also please make sure that you install Boom app in Application folder itself and not in any subfolders
Here is the Boom.log transcript copied from the console application. There is no time-stamp with the log entries but I believe it includes log lines from previous Boom operations. By the way, it's always a good idea to time-stamp log entries.
Skipping alternate kext cleanup
kextunload failed [1]
kextunload failed [2]
Remove BoomDevice Kext succeeded
Copy BoomDevice Kext succeeded
chown BoomDevice Kext succeeded
chmod BoomDevice Kext succeeded
kextload BoomDevice Kext succeeded
Whether kext is loaded ***
touch BoomDevice Kext succeeded
Enable Universal access succeeded
I'm also attaching the system.log entries related to boom hoping it will help you because I really like your program :-(
After an hour of back and forth (password not recognized twice, etc.) attempting to download and install Boom, I finally deleted Boom v. 1.91 completely. Then I had to pay for a new v. 1.9.2 to get the app to download. . . Boom 1.9.2 is now working fine, but I want a refund for having to pay (twice) for this app.
We suggest you to get in touch with our Support Team with both the purchase receipts. They will direct you to get a refund for multiple purchases.
Have you purchased Boom via Mac App Store?
For Mac App Store users, if you click on the 'Know More' tab don't you get an option to Download an audio component option like the one shown in this screenshot? If yes, please click on it and it will launch a web-browser with an option to download and install the audio component.
Please install the component and you can see the EQ and volume boosting functionality.
Please do not select BoomDevice manually via System Preferences Sound.
Could you please open 'Audio MIDI Setup' and check volume control levels under input and output. Please make sure to uncheck Mute. Check the same under System Preferences->Sound. Please refer screenshot below:
Boom 2 is a paid upgrade and will not work with the serial key from Boom 1.x. Please visit our site for more info.
You can learn the difference between Boom 1.x and Boom 2 here: http://globaldelight.com/boom/for-me
Boom 1.x works fine on OS X 10.8, 10.9 and 10.10 as well. If you have specific issues with app not working as expected, please email to boom@globaldelight.com and we can help you out. There's another update slated to release for Boom 1.x real soon.
Our Support Team will get in touch with you soon.