No audio on thunderbolt/hdmi

edited May 2012 in Boom Discussions
I often plug into my TV with my Macbook Air. I use the thunderbolt port and go to HDMI. Often when I do this the audio device stays set as the active device so the audio stays on my laptop instead of switching to the external device. I can go to the sound preference panel and change the device but this defeats the purpose of having a utility that automatically does stuff for me.



  • Hi Partfurg,

    Could you please contact our Support Team with your system info and OS details. Also please do provide a sequence to regenerate the issue.
  • I have OSX 10.7.4

    The steps are to simply plug in my thunderbolt to HDMI adapter. Before I had Boom! it would automatically switch my audio output device to HDMI. Now that I have mom I have to manually open the sound control panel to switch the output device.
  • Received new beta version from support and fixed this problem. Thanks for the quick response and help!
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