I Boomed All my iTunes songs and duplicate files created & erased all the info. Can I Undo? Help!

edited November 2013 in Boom Discussions
I thought I had to Boom all of my individual sings on iTunes (10,000+) and when I enhanced all, it created multiple _Boosted files and it shut down my iMac. Now, I have to go and individually delete all of the 10's of thousands of duplicated. Is there anyway I can do undo all this and pretend like it never happened. Please help. Frustrated.


  • Hi Wolftab,

    If the "Add files to the iTunes playlist Boom" is enabled, Boom duplicates the boosted files which will be listed in iTunes itself. If you do not wish to have duplicate copies, please uncheck "Add files to the iTunes playlist Boom". Please refer screenshots below.

    The original songs will be in your iTunes itself. You cannot un-boost the files. You can delete all the boosted files in iTunes if you wish to do so. You can search for the boosted files by the suffix of the file. (please refer screenshot below)

    Also when the files are boosted, it will create a folder under 'Music' which will store all the boosted files.
  • Thank you. I'm not able to try this until tomorrow night but will let you know if I have any problems.
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