I am gathering a large number of Web Snaps.
1. I'd like them to go directly to the current selected Collection or Smart Collection
2. Retain/pick up the tag from the previous capture
3. Be able export them all in one hit, not individually which will take me forever
Is this possible? I can't see anything covering this in the manual.
btw Is the web capture at the actual resolution and file type of the web image?
1. Web captures do get collected in the Smart Collections folder "Web Snaps", also you can create a collection or smart collection by clicking on "+" in the left bottom corner of the page.
2. The capture will retain the tags from the current web page.
3. You can select all the capture and do a drag & drop altogether to finder or you can do a "Send To" by right clicking on the image.
The resolution depends on the each individual webpage.
Here are some links which might come in handy:
You can refer our blog:
You can refer the video:
Voila user manual: