I am trying to capture a picture of a slide-off menu generated on a web page by Javascript. The menu only appears when the cursor is hovering on it. What I need is delayed capture. Voila seems to want to do it, but I cannot get it to work. So either I don't understand the instructions (I'm Australian, so I speak English as a second language... :-) ) or it is not working as expected.
If I am interpreting the Voila instructions correctly, I select the capture area first then hover over something that should be intuitively obvous (because there is no illustration in the documentation) to see a something that allows me to reactivate the application and adjust it to taste.
This sounds good, but I cannot find the fabled timer button. Please, someone, tell me where it is.
And please, someone else, put some more detail into the online help... After all, statistically speaking, some of us _are_ below average...
You can do a Timed capture up-to 20seconds (Only in selection capture and object capture)
1) Go to Voila preference
2) Under capture, change the countdown seconds
3) While capturing a object or selection capture, after selecting you will get an option in the top right corner to do a timed capture.
Timed capture:
You can capture areas of the active window after a specified duration using Timed capture. To perform Timed capture, after selecting the required areas, click the Timer button displayed on mouse hover over the selected areas. You can make changes in the window state after selecting the areas. When the timer counts down to zero, the active states of the selected areas are captured. The maximum timer duration is 20 seconds. You can modify the timer duration in Preferences > Capture.
The preferences were not the problem. I did not see the icon. The online doc says "click the Timer button displayed on mouse hover over the selected areas" and I guess I was looking in the area of the mouse itself because it gets very lively when it reaches the edge of the selection area.
In the interests of continual product improvement, please consider adding an image showing the timed capture button to the documentation. Also, the documentation page for Capturing Images lists 8 modes of capture. The last two are not links, so there is no obvious place to go to find more about it. And finally, the term "Timed Capture" did not seem like the place to go anyway because it implies capture over a period of time which might be useful for a video, for example. Other products seem to have settled on "Delayed Capture" for this function.
After all this, it does not work for me. As an example, I tried to capture a view of the Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar with an open folder. In the attached capture, I selected the region, Clicked the timer button, then clicked the browser's Atoma button which opened a list. The list stayed visible until the time zeroed, then it disappeared. As you can see, we have a picture of the space where the list was...
I repeated the experiment using ScreenSteps and I get what I expect.
OS X version is: 10.6.8
Voila version is: 3.1.1
Firefox version is: changing weekly, but currently 8.01.
Consider your suggestions noted. Have you tried Menu capture.
Menu capture can be used to capture the menus of other applications as well as those of Voila.
To perform a Menu capture:
1. Click the ‘Menu’ icon in the Voila toolbar. You can also select the ‘Capture Menu’ option 
from the Capture menu or the status menu.
2. By default, Finder becomes the active application.
3. Select the Finder menu that you want to capture. Or you can also select another application 
and select a menu to capture.
4. Press Shift + Cmd + M to highlight the selected menu.
5. Hit the Return key on the keyboard or click on the highlighted menu to capture it.
6. The Voila window is put up (if set so in Preferences > Capture) with the captured image in 
the Workbench.
You can also directly capture a menu while Voila is open by selecting the menu to capture, pressing Cmd + Shift + M, and clicking on the menu. You can change this hot key combination in Preferences > Hot Keys.