feature request: menu bar only

edited September 2011 in Voila Discussions

Can I request the following feature: to be able to run Viola as a menu bar only app, rather than as a dock + menu bar app? I don't want to waste dock space on an app which I always have running.

If anyone knows of any third party app that can do this, I would be glad to hear of it.




  • Hi Damian,

    Good suggestion. We cant promise you anything currently, but will surely look into this.
  • This is a much needed option and is one of the main things that bugs me about using the software at the moment, it would be much more user and system friendly if it was only running in the menu bar ;)
  • I'm all for an option to remove Voila from the Dock, and would also like a "mini" edit window like ImageWell has :)
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